Hitting your head on an overhanging branch or knocking into overgrown shrubbery can be a real problem for blind and partially sighted pedestrians.
Likewise vehicles parked on the footpath restrict access for those who use mobility aids or push prams and buggies. The RNIB has said that each and every overhanging branch or overgrown shrub that obstructs a pavement can be a huge risk for blind and partially sighted people and can lead to physical injuries which can really put people off getting out and about in their areas.
We know that most residents act responsibly in maintaining their property and boundary fences. Springtime is approaching and now is the time for householders to look at their gardens and ensure they do not create a hazard to others.
Local Conservatives believe that Sefton Council should work with blind and partially sighted people to develop a “street charter,” including:
⦁ Setting up accessible ways for blind and partially sighted people to report overgrown shrubbery and branches.
⦁ Acting swiftly upon these reports by alerting the residents or taking action if it is a council owned property.
⦁ Running awareness campaigns to encourage residents to be considerate in managing their shrubbery and trees.
⦁ Enforcing legislation relating to dog fouling and providing more street bins
(Picture is courtesy of the RNIB)