The Sefton Labour controlled Council are threatening to close at least one of the Crosby Libraries, and 6 others in Sefton. Consultation has commenced so please have your say. Come up with suggestions and try and save the service.
We trust that residents are aware that since the May elections, Labour have taken overall control of Sefton Council and selected all Bootle Labour Councillors to Cabi
Stand by to see unpopular policies railroaded through the system, they will blame the Conservative Government forcing them to implement savage cuts, but this is nonsense, a realistic and sympathetic budget can still be achieved with full cooperation from the other parties represented on the Council.
Your Conservative Councillors will endeavour to challenge at every opportunity and force scrutiny of some of the most unpopular decisions. We have to suffer this imposition until 2014 when the next local elections take place. If you are not happy with the way the Labour Controlled Council have acted during this period make your feelings known and vote for an alternative party, Conservative would be the ideal solution to readdress the balance and return the Council to a fully democratic model.
We will keep you updated with the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting, in the mean time we would be grateful to receive any of your comments in relation to the proposed Library closures and any other proposed Council cuts to services that may be of concern to you.
Sefton Central Conservative Association Contact us at 924 1055