Our community has seen huge benefits from the work of our Parish Council. It was formed in 2004 and has done much to improve the community especially the safety and the appearance of our village centre.
They financed new security cameras installed and made operational
They founded a Community Fund to help support to a wide range of interests,such as youth groups, for example the ATLAS project, the environment, sport and societies involved in the work for our older residents.
There are new planters, new barriers and bollards all provided by the Parish Council, a project which took three years to complete. It was finished on time, within budget and aimed to improve the appearance of the town and make it one for everyone to appreciate.
The Councillors have set aside money and the energy to organise and plant out the planters and the memorial gardens, and when the new Labour-led Council stopped the money for the roundabouts, they did those too.
And there are many other things, a new bench at Old Town Lane, new safety bollards at the junction of Elbow Lane, to mention just a few!
And what about the future
The Parish Council only works for Formby. It's revenue satys in the community and where possible it only does business with local businesses. It has set out its plan for the future which includes a wide range of projects.
But it has decided to focus again on the economy and the environment.
There are fifteen councillors, all of whom work as volunteers and care for their community. They are Conservatives and they will do even more!!